Could It Be Writer’s Block?

Hypergraphia is the overwhelming urge to write.

According to neurosurgeon Alice Flaherty, author of The Midnight Disease, this urge is triggered by changes in brainwave activity in the temporal lobe.

Writers such as Dostoevsky and Lewis Carroll are said to have been effected by hypergraphia. (Lewis Carroll wrote over 9,800 letters in his lifetime.)

Lately, I find myself sitting down wanting to write a poem…and I can’t finish. I am unable to connect any of the words, pieces, ideas, or fragments together. The words are fighting with one another. Nothing feels natural, and yet I have the overwhelming urge to write new poems for the poetry workshop I am currently in.

Am I having writer’s block?

Should I even use the term writer’s block?

Does writer’s block really exist?

What do we do as writers when we can’t produce material we feel a strong connection to?

“You don’t know what it is to stay a whole day with your head in your hands trying to squeeze your unfortunate brain so as to find a word.” —Gustave Flaubert