Lit Bits

St Petersburg

“Does being ‘great’ simply mean writing poems that are ‘great’? If so, how many? Or does ‘greatness’ mean having a sufficiently ‘great’ project? If you have such a project, can you be ‘great’ while writing poems that are only ‘good’ (and maybe even a little ‘boring’)? Is being a ‘great’ poet the same as being a ‘major’ poet? Are ‘great’ poets necessarily ‘serious’ poets? These are all good questions to which nobody has had very convincing answers.” – The Great(ness) Game @ The Times


“Stuck with men who couldn’t make ends meet, Rhys had a brief career in prostitution and also worked as a chorus girl. Evocative and empathetic, Pizzichini still offers no fully satisfactory explanation for the explosiveness of Rhys’s interior life: ‘She found life difficult because she found it hard to be herself.’” – The Blue Hour: A Life of Jean Rhys, reviewed @ PW


“Little Red Riding Hood was my first love. I felt that if I could have married Little Red Riding Hood, I should have known perfect bliss.” –Charles Dickens
– Fairy Tale Review is looking for your Little Red Riding Hood submissions.


The most beautiful map of St. Petersburg @ The Book Bench